Australians everywhere want to take advantage of the beautiful weather they seem to have most of the time. While rain can put a slight damper on backyard parties, you may spend most of your entertaining time outside. The goal isn’t to finish everything before the guests arrive, but rather, you should have a way to be part of the fun, even if you’re inside cooking or preparing food.
Frameless folding servery windows give you that ability. You can stay inside and peel vegetables or get the meat ready to cook on the outside grill. People can request drinks while you converse with them or watch the festivities, without that dividing wall.
Frameless folding servery windows aren’t just perfect for parties. They can also help you create more liveable space in your home. Most people have a window that overlooks a balcony or patio. You can use the folding window to create a way to hand out food and beverages to those outside. Plus, you can get up to 90 percent accessibility, depending on the window style you currently have. The best part is that they look aesthetically pleasing and come with a variety of added features should you choose them.
At Central Glass & Aluminium, they’ve been in the business of securing homes and businesses for many years. However, they realise that some people aren’t as worried about security and may want things that make life a little easier. With their frameless folding servery windows, you get both. When they’re closed, they prevent intruders and thieves from coming inside. If you choose one with an awning, you can leave them open during the rain without fear. You can also use a screen system to keep out bugs while leaving the window open to let in the fresh air. You can always remove the screen when you want to hand food or other items out to guests.